A change of clothes…
Along with a change of names along with a few other things, but nothing within the hearts and minds of mankind has ever changed nor will it ever change unless…
Monday, May 2nd, 2022
by Ken Pullen
ACP — A Crooked Path
Then Elijah said to King Ahaziah, “This is what the Lord says: ‘Because you have sent messengers to inquire of Baal-zebub, the god of Ekron — is it because there is no God in Israel for you to inquire of his will? — you will not get up from your sickbed; you will certainly die.’ ”
2 Kings 1:16 — Christian Standard Bible
Abstain from all appearance of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:22 — King James Version
To make the above even clearer if a person can’t comprehend those six words…
reject every kind of evil.
1 Thessalonians 5:22 — New International Version
If something is not from God it is then of the world. Anything of this world not from God is unrighteous and thus evil. Evil is not only what the world may define evil as, although in these last of the last days almost nothing is defined as such. Evil is ANYTHING alien or opposed to God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, or the Word of God. You may not like that or agree, but then, you are not the Creator. You did not bring about life. You are not God. That may come as a shock to some or many but that is reality. Oh, does this shake up the state of delusion and world of illusion which has been the abode, the place of residence? Then it is a good thing you find yourself here now. To perhaps take up residence elsewhere. Perhaps even to be counted as one of God’s children, a true disciple of the Lord Jesus Christ, thus only a pilgrim, a sojourner on this earth making your home in heaven. Nowhere better to reside for eternity.
Or remain belligerent, arrogant, imagining yourself not in need of God, or Jesus, or the Holy Spirit. The Word of God. Thinking you know better. You’re in control! Remain a firm pagan, a devout idol worshipper, a child of disobedience destined for the eternity each individual child of disobedience will sow. Due to a lack of spiritual wisdom and knowledge preferring the lies of the world over the truth from God.
A statue of Shiva outside CERN headquarters.
It may have seemed odd to begin this with a verse from 2 Kings1. As John Woodhouse has said not a book well read or easily read that is in God’s Word. Sadly treated as if it has no relevance, nothing to teach us today. Which is a mistake. Every book, every word within the Word is there for a reason and can be gleaned as spiritual food for us today.
The world today, just as in Elijah’s time, as in any time in the past, was filled with people denying the existence of the One True God while they turned to worship stone, wood, carvings, graven images, the creation rather than the Creator and were idol worshippers. Baal, Moloch, Behemont, Astaroth, Shiva, and countless others conjured up in the roiling black cauldron of man and woman’s imagination are still worshipped. Oh, the names may have been changed along the way. Some major rebranding taking place but it’s still as always mankind facing eternal death due to their blindness, their arrogance, their lack of knowledge of the truth, their idol worship, their pagan worship that is leading them to such an eternal death.
My people are destroyed for lack of knowledge;
because you have rejected knowledge,
I reject you from being a priest to me.
And since you have forgotten the law of your God,
I also will forget your children.
The more they increased,
the more they sinned against me;
I will change their glory into shame.
Hosea 4:6-7 — English Standard Version
See Hosea 4.
Some might say, well, this was long ago and is only written to and about the Israelites who turned from God, the priests who turned from God. No, this is about God’s PEOPLE. God’s case against His PEOPLE. It may have been written by Hosea to the Israelites but this ETERNAL, LIVING book that provides spiritual wisdom and understanding to those who are truly renewed of mind and spirit, transformed by the power of the Spirit of God knows that almost every word within what is called by man the “Old Testament” is as relevant today, if not more so since we have this knowledge and neglect it, refuse it, deny it, tend to dismiss it as ancient and incompatible with modern life. Nothing could be further from the truth. Hosea’s words are as timely today for this generation’s pastors, ministers, priests, and PEOPLE as when the prophet wrote it with his hand led by the Holy Spirit of God. That Holy Spirit knowing those words would never go out of style as the evil and utterly wicked hearts and minds of men and women are always the style of the day, whatever day it may be.
There will be questions found in this piece. Especially at the beginning. I know academics and all the professed journalistic teachers say do not be repetitive, do not ask a lot of questions as you’ll “turn people off.”
People are already “turned off.” No different than a circuit switch that could provide real light but they remain shut off. Never flipping the switch. Those that ARE darkness prefer remaining IN darkness refusing any light, any true illumination.
Mary idol worship by the church of Rome [News Flash — there is no queen of heaven!]
Have you read, and in each of these questions more than merely read; ingested, consumed, inhaled, taken into your heart and soul, taken time to allow the words to permeate your soul and spirit so the words come alive and effect a change in you; Isaiah? Hosea? Joel? Daniel? Job? Jeremiah? Zechariah? Habakkuk? Ezekiel? Amos? Obadiah? Jonah? Micah? Nahum? Zephaniah, Haggai? Malachi?
For the wrath of God is revealed from heaven against all ungodliness and unrighteousness of men, who by their unrighteousness suppress the truth.
Claiming to be wise, they became fools, and exchanged the glory of the immortal God for images resembling mortal man and birds and animals and creeping things.
And since they did not see fit to acknowledge God, God gave them up to a debased mind to do what ought not to be done. They were filled with all manner of unrighteousness
Romans 1:18,22,23,28,29 — English Standard Version
There are two central themes to every prophet’s words found in the Bible. First, all men and women are sinful, unrighteous, and easily turned from God to idol worship, to paganism. Thus in need of salvation and the main theme of the Word of God throughout is the Lord Jesus Christ. There coming a Messiah, a Saviour that can forgive sin once and for all and bring about salvation and eternal life that will come to earth twice. Once, as Christ did, in the form of fully truly man, fully truly God to become the Sacrificial Lamb, to die, to rise to conquer death thus fulfilling the promise of God making the forgiveness of sin possible, eternal life possible through faith in and obedience to the Lord Jesus Christ. The prophets also foretold of His Second and only other return as King of kings, Lord of lords, as the Judge of all judges to judge the world.
But in the meantime on earth…
Rampant paganism. Blatant idol worship. Sorcery. Being the enemy of God. Increasing sin and wickedness. While existing in a sea of delusion. The walking dead living the lies while bumping about in utter darkness.
And if they will not hear, they shall depart into destruction and they will come to an end without knowledge
Job 36:12 — Aramaic Bible in Plain English
All that has changed from everything mentioned in those books of the Holy Bible, everything written or recorded by men of the world has been a change of clothing. Really. Technology and increasing worldly knowledge have altered styles, travel, and daily life. A changing of names. A few other things along the way appear to change but upon further inspection, no, there is no new thing under the sun. Only the outward has witnessed anything called change, but it hasn’t really changed at all has it? Just increased worldly knowledge, distractions, the perverting of language, and relabeling causes these things to appear as change. It’s just more illusion in the delusion to cook up more profanity, insanity, banality which is then dished up as progress, enlightenment, making the false claim of making the world a better place.
No different than sticking a new label proclaiming wholesomeness, value, and healthiness on tainted food certain to kill if consumed.
When eating their way through life in such a manner refusing the truth dissatisfaction quickly sets in. Man is never content. Man can never make anything lasting and permanent. Never be happy with what they may have presently. There is no thankfulness in the world’s true vocabulary as they never acknowledge and thank God who gives them EVERYTHING they have. Everything. But It is never enough. Never good enough. So, man fiddles, paces, never satiated always on a quest to create as the Creator has done only to always fall short. Man vainly, foolishly believing they can dismiss God, ignore or mock God and supplant God.
The inward parts of man and woman have not changed one iota.
Tragically, many, so many professing to be Christian do not acknowledge God and give Him thanks in EVERYTHING they have. It may seem a minor thing, trivial, call me legalistic [but you’d be calling me that incorrectly], call me whatever you want it won’t really affect me, but if in survey upon survey they always result with about 7 out of 10 people in America claiming to be Christian why is it when dining out I never see anyone giving thanks to God and praying when the food is brought to their table?
Why are these who claim to be disciples of Christ, children of God in truth children of disobedience and ashamed of the gospel? Preferring to please the world rather than acknowledge Almighty God the One who provides all things. Including every morsel, every bite, and every quenching sip that is provided to each person each day.
To those professing to be a Christian — stop appeasing the world, stop being thankless, stop being without knowledge, stop constructing the Tower of Babel within individual hearts and minds, within more and more so-called Christian denominations and churches — many of those are among the best and most diligent builders of Babel this world has ever witnessed replacing God, imagining themselves gods, serving the world and its paganism, its idol worship, its lies, and wickedness. All while using the Lord’s name in vain as they contend they are good and holy, and going to bring about the kingdom of God here on earth. Themselves.
Stop mingling paganism, and idol worship within the churches, within your individual lives.
Save yourself from the flood god that cannot speak, cannot see, cannot breathe, cannot do anything other than be washed away in the muddy waters.
Who do you think you’re fooling? Do you honestly believe God doesn’t see, that He doesn’t hear? Or that He doesn’t care?
If so, it’s rather plain that not much time has been spent in the Word of God and no depth of faith is present, no true understanding or wisdom exists.
Do not be deceived as so many are.
Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience. Therefore do not become partners with them; for at one time you were darkness, but now you are light in the Lord. Walk as children of light (for the fruit of light is found in all that is good and right and true), and try to discern what is pleasing to the Lord. Take no part in the unfruitful works of darkness, but instead expose them. For it is shameful even to speak of the things that they do in secret. But when anything is exposed by the light, it becomes visible, for anything that becomes visible is light. Therefore it says,
“Awake, O sleeper,
and arise from the dead,
and Christ will shine on you.”
Look carefully then how you walk, not as unwise but as wise, making the best use of the time, because the days are evil. Therefore do not be foolish, but understand what the will of the Lord is.
Ephesians 5:6-17 — English Standard Version
The paganism that began in the first book of the Bible exists at this moment. This very moment. It has not changed one morsel, one bit, one iota. Oh, the names have changed along the way but nothing else. Oh, some of the practices and words used have been adapted along the way but the cold dead heart of evil, of being an enemy of God, of the worship of self and lifeless, do not breath, do not speak, do not do anything pagan idols is more than alive and well. Paganism is thriving on earth. Among all the peoples of the earth. Now, especially within what once was called the body of Christ, the church.
Do not be conformed to this world, but be transformed by the renewal of your mind, that by testing you may discern what is the will of God, what is good and acceptable and perfect.
Romans 12:2 — English Standard Version
And do not be conformed to this world [any longer with its superficial values and customs], but be transformed and progressively changed [as you mature spiritually] by the renewing of your mind [focusing on godly values and ethical attitudes], so that you may prove [for yourselves] what the will of God is, that which is good and acceptable and perfect [in His plan and purpose for you].
Romans 12:2 — Amplified Bible
You may not agree, you may not like this, most certainly will not, but unless something is of God, something is righteous in the sight of God it is sin. It is falling short. Much, oh so much that people fail to see in their delusion AS darkness, and as far too many professing to be Christian fail to acknowledge, see, and understand paganism, idol worship, turning from God to the lie, the false god, to the greatest and most widely worshipped idol — self — and unless and until idol worship of every kind, paganism is exposed and removed and a humbling, a submission, a repentance, a turning to or back to God occurs? It’s death, baby, it’s nothing but death upon your sickbed of idol worship as you sought out liars and gods that cannot speak, cannot breathe, and do nothing — except carry you along to your death and destruction, and the destiny for your eternal spirit and soul being the depths of fiery hell.
You can forget about heaven. For there is only a One Way path leading to eternal life with God, with Jesus, with the Holy Spirit, and with those who fought the good fight to the end, held steadfast in the faith, grew in spiritual maturity and wisdom, increased in spiritual knowledge and in boldness for the gospel, in the telling of the gospel, in the visible living out of the gospel in their daily lives.
Anything pagan, any idol worship, and lack of repentance, any lack of a true being born anew, and having that radical Supernatural event occur in one’s life isn’t the path to take.
Delusion, lies, pretending, ignoring, denying, hiding will not save you.
Only a sincere and lasting faith in the Lord Jesus Christ can. Only repenting of sin, confessing of sin, committing to make Jesus Lord of one’s life, not only Saviour, but Lord of one’s life. To be His disciple. To be within the body with the Lord as the Head. Obeying the Head.
Only then.
Rid your life of any and all things pagan, all idol worship.
Find the strict way leading to the narrow gate. Do not leave that path. Do not take any detours or allow the onslaught and noise, the distractions and beguilement of this dark world not knowing the truth cause you to believe the lies rather than believing God, Jesus, the Holy Spirit, and what is found in the inerrant and living Word of God.
Enter the narrow gate, for the gate is wide and the road is spacious which leads to destruction, and many are those who are going in it. How narrow is the gate and strict the way that leads to life, and few are those who find it!
Matthew 7:13-14 — Aramaic Bible in Plain English
The people of the world have been always changing their clothes, are always changing their clothes. No matter how trendy, stylish, no matter how much the people of the world attempt to change their clothes, change certain names, alter the meanings of words, attempt to wash themselves clean they have remained the same rotting, dead within, darkness throughout every age, every day on this earth since the beginning.
All that has changed is technology and the appearance of change. While nothing internally has changed.
Unless…there is a change of heart, a change of mind and thinking
…and individual comes to hear, comes to see, comes to know the truth of the Lord Jesus Christ and the Word of God being regenerated, radically transformed being born anew. To finally see, to finally hear, to finally understand the truth about this world, the truth about themselves, and the truth about God.
The Truth About Our Troubled World — John Woodhouse in America
The Disastrous Sin of Lying — Speaker, John MacArthur
The Rise of the Global Church of Lucifer (Video) — speaker Charles Lawson
They believe themselves to be gods — World’s most powerful heavy-ion accelerator to open in Michigan
You are being prepped
Jesus: The Only Savior — R.C. Sproul
Sacrificing living human children to the false god Moloch. And you say things have changed? Really?
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