The Design of Earth



17 Unexplained Things Scientists Attribute to God


Tuesday, August 6, 2024

by Julie Smith

Reprinted from Societe US



Humans need to explain things they encounter in life to make life predictable. Science is a way to describe why things happen as they do, but there are limitations. Even the most devout scientist who believes that there is a scientific reason for everything can admit that there are some things on Earth that simply can’t be explained. There are things that the scientific community can not explain.

Personal Encounters

Scientists are people, too, and they live a life outside of their labs. Many, if not all, have had instances where something happens, and there is no Earthly explanation for them. Many who want to excuse everything have occurrences that they can’t find a theory for.

Scientists Link to the Divine

Some of the greatest scientists in history believed that there was something higher than themselves. Many of their theories and investigations were based on finding out why God designed things as they are. They weren’t questioning if there was or wasn’t a God. Scientists such as Gregor Mendel and Isaac Newton were men of God. Their efforts were to figure out the divinity, not prove that there wasn’t one.

The Universe

The universe is something so vast that there is no explaining it all. From atoms to molecules to galaxies, there is no way to attribute everything to randomness and scientific discovery. The universe is something surrounded with so much left undiscovered and explainable that a scientist would have a hard time thinking there is a rational explanation for it all.

The Design of the Universe

The universe is undoubtedly vast. It would seem inconceivable that one small change would alter everything, but that is the truth. The universe follows a fundamental group of constants. If just one thing doesn’t balance, it could change life as we know it. Scientists believe that the great design of the universe is not by accident.

Limitations of Scientific Explanation

Although it would be excellent if everything in life could be explained by scientific theory, that isn’t the case. Many things go outside of the logic of scientific theory. Also, there are things that science can’t explain. Things like the purpose of life and consciousness are things that you can’t figure out in a scientific lab or from a theory.

The Respect for Religious Belief

Not all scientists want to disprove the existence of God. Many are looking for explanations for the universe and how to realize that God is a part of it. Scientists can admit that many things cannot be explained. They are just as happy finding out that there isn’t a reason that doesn’t involve faith as if there is.

Humility and Openness

Scientists might be guided by being experimental and trying to find the truth as to why things are, but that doesn’t mean that they don’t appreciate the humility and openness of humanity. Many scientists feel humbled by the realization that as much as science can explain, there are many things that it can’t. Although their main objective is to uncover the truth, if the truth is that there is no Earthly reason, then they are willing to accept that too.

Consciousness is Inexplicable

Regardless of how science tries to explain the human brain, there will always remain the mystery of consciousness. The way that neural pathways work might be understood, but there is no way to explain the reason for it. There is always the question that remains about the role of spirituality in reality.


While science might be able to explain animalistic responses, there is no way to describe the concept of morality. Ethical questions guide scientific exploration, but that doesn’t explain why ethical constraints exist to begin with. If the scientific community accepts that the human race is animalistic, then they also have to recognize that humans are guided by a moral code that is not easily explained.


When the elements of the necessities of life are removed, it is hard for science to explain materialism. If animals are based scientifically on the need for survival, then what is the cause of materialism and sentimental value? If there is no such thing as memories, feelings, and the divine, why would there be a need for memories?


Miracles are defined as a welcome or surprising event that defies scientific theory and law. Most scientists acknowledge that there are such things as miracles. If they do, therefore, they have to necessarily explore the idea that there is a higher power or divinity at work.


Many scientists have uncovered that there is a grand design of the Earth, including mathematical properties that follow patterns that are nonsensical but consistent. Although not all scientists believe in a grand design of the Earth, they do understand that there is a design for whatever reason.

The Intersection of Religion and Science

Throughout time, there have been many incidents where religious thought has intersected with science. From Galileo to Copernicus, many of the greatest scientific discoveries and thought have been initiated in the name of religion. Many religious figures who made the most significant advances to science did so under the thought that God was behind all scientific theories.

Meaning of Life

Regardless of what science uncovers, it means nothing without the meaning of life. Those who are searching for a scientific meaning for everything have to ultimately believe that there is a purpose and meaning for humans to be on Earth. Their belief in a greater meaning doesn’t negate their findings and theories about why things are and exist the way that they do.

Divine Revelation

Some scientists believe that they are the conduit of God, giving humans the answers that they need about life. The fact that they uncover scientific facts only furthers their belief that there are reasons why things happen, and those things are designed by God.

Human Connections

Science can explain why species stay together in familial lines for their survival, but when it goes past that, there is no reason to explain human connections that don’t further human survival. Why people become attached and why they help one another when there is nothing in it for them is hard for science to explain.


Science believes that everything happens for a reason but when it comes to coincidence that is anything but coincidence, there is no way to explain it but “God Incidence.”  Some things in life are just too weird to be true, and any scientist can agree that not everything can be explained using scientific theory.

Science Can Only Go So Far

As science advances, the things that science can’t explain become smaller, but some things will always be inexplicable. Many scientists are humbled by the many things that can only be attributed to a higher power.


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