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California consumed by fire.


In those days… 

Everyone did what was right in his own eyes.

Judges 21:25 — English Standard Version


Few paid any attention. Few believed it could happen here. Few believed this nation and its people would decline to such corruption, depravity, and sin.

Why? Why would they not? Where were the hearts, minds, spirits, and attention of the people?

Why on self of course. On earthly pleasures. Always taking them further from the Lord, no time, no time, no time to spend in the Word!

Consumed by self-interest, consumed of and by the world. Consumed in sin.

Always wanting heaven on earth, always wanting everything wonderful and good while never willing to pay attention. Then the people appear to suddenly awaken from their slumber, their blindness as they wail, lament and moan. Their protestations of “How could this happen? No, this can’t be so!” heard throughout the land!

Too late, too late, always otherwise occupied. No time for the Lord. No time for the Word of God.

Go to church. Get your gold attendance star. Listen to a weak, watered-down sermon. Who can call sin, sin anymore? Who has the backbone, the courage to speak the truth anymore? Certainly not the majority of pastors and preachers, the overwhelming majority of those calling themselves Christian.

Going through the motions until it reaches this point of heightened emotion. Due to being lax, being lazy, being self-absorbed, being foolish, and being more of the world than of the Lord’s.

Now the cries go up to heaven, “How could this have happened here!? No, this can’t be so!”

What the German people thought and said in the 1920s and 1930s, along with most of the world. How’d that end up going? As it is STILL going.

It has happened and it has grown to such proportions as it has because the soldiers in Satan’s army never sleep, never rest, their numbers legion, massive, and they shout and shove and cause fear wherever they march. Indoctrination through seductive lies, honey dripping lips intimidation.

While the professed soldiers in the Lord’s army became fat, complacent, comfortable, lazy, and thought life would go on as it had. They sat. They slept. Selfishly self-absorbed. They refused to believe, they refused to see, they refused to hear, they refused to put on the full armour of God [see Ephesians 6] and be diligent watchmen and women on the wall. To be daily engaged in the spiritual war at hand.

The professed to be Christ’s mostly AWOL in the spiritual war. More concerned with meetings, conferences, church elections, the church gossip, their investments, getting their children to soccer practice and their oboe lessons, bake sales, car washes, and being loved by the world rather than knowing what’s in the Word of God and living to please the Lord!

So, of course, the Enemy gained much ground.

The Enemy wasn’t wasting time. The Enemy never does.

It’s war folks. Deal with it. Acknowledge it. Get over all the political rhetoric, the fear of judging, discerning wisely, and speaking up for the rightness, the truth of the Word of God rather than appearing more concerned about self-preservation here and not offending anyone. Mindful of eternity and bearing good fruit. Equip yourselves, learn how to fight, and engage the Enemy!

Don’t surrender or merely sit and turn the channel.

And the few that were on the ground engaged in the never-ceasing battle their words were drowned out by the deafening sounds of the overwhelming majority of the professed Christian body either snoring away or sitting at the table of the world eating, feasting, mouths open devouring the world’s spoiled and toxic fare with eyes and ears closed they couldn’t be bothered to see, hear or know. Gluttons at the table of the world adopting its menu rather than abiding in the Word of God.

Until it becomes too late. All the real-life Rip Van Winkle’s waking up after such a long sleep…

Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 5:20 — King James Version

Always waiting until it becomes too late. Like finally putting up a traffic signal after 29 people are killed at a dangerous intersection. Because they didn’t believe, didn’t pay attention, and didn’t want to take action as the carnage and horrors were happening. It wasn’t happening to them so why bother, eh?

The REAL American way…the REAL human nature way…

if my people who are called by my name humble themselves, and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then I will hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and heal their land.

2 Chronicles 7:14 — English Standard Version

Ken Pullen, A CROOKED PATH, Tuesday, June 14th, 2022


California advances bill to become transgender ‘sanctuary,’ let courts block parents from protecting kids: Drag Queen Shows Mandatory for Kids



Tuesday, June 14, 2022

Reprinted with permission from PatriotandLiberty


Within a secular worldview, anything goes when depraved man is his own authority.”   ~Ken Ham

If we ever wondered how Sodom and Gomorrah became associated with homosexuality and beast-like anal sex,  we need only open our eyes to see it rising out of the abyss here in America where depraved men are their own authority.   

At one time, not too long ago, babies were welcomed and the young were cherished and protected.  But now babies are routinely murdered within abortuaries and children corrupted and perverted by our ‘schools.’   Even the ‘parents’ of many of these poor children aid in the perversion and corruption of their own children by taking them to grotesquely perverse Drag Queen shows, ‘decadent pride’ parades, leather (S&M) shows, and other such evil events.   

Now we know how Sodom and Gomorrah finally came to exist. ~Linda Kimball


S.B. 107 was introduced by Democrat Sen. Scott Wiener, who has suggested making drag shows mandatory for schoolkids and previously introduced a bill to let judges exempt some homosexual pedophiles from the sex offender registry.

Ashley Sadler, LifeSite, 6/13/22

SACRAMENTO (LifeSiteNews) — California lawmakers are seeking to turn the state into a “sanctuary” for radical transgenderism with a new law encouraging parents to bring their kids to the Golden State to subject them to mutilating “sex-change” surgeries and drugs, National Reviewreported.

The move comes after California Democrat Gov. Gavin Newsom previously promised to make California a “sanctuary” for abortion, in defiance of pro-life states around the country which have advanced legislation to protect the unborn.

National Review reported that S.B. 107, which was brought before the state Judiciary Committee June 8, would amend existing law to “treat refusals to allow puberty blocking, transgender surgeries, or other forms of ‘gender affirming care’” the same way the law currently treats cases of “child abuse and abandonment.”

“Usually, if a parent refuses to return a child to another state after visitation, California courts won’t take jurisdiction,” National Review reported. “But a specific exemption to this general rule is being fashioned when ‘gender affirming care’ is at issue”.

Families engaged in custody disputes centered around transgender “care” for their kids could find California courts moving in to ensure the child receives destructive hormone and surgical interventions, even against the wishes of the parent opposed to transgender ideology.

According to the proposal, a California court would assume “temporary emergency jurisdiction” if a child is “present in the state” but “has been unable to obtain gender-affirming health care or gender-affirming mental health care.”

Out-of-state laws that protect children from the irreversible effects of transgender procedures would also “not be enforced or applied” in California, according to the bill.

Moreover, California would refuse to perform “arrests or extraditions” of individuals “pursuant to a criminal action related to the law of another state that criminalizes allowing a person to receive or provide gender-affirming health care,” if those actions would not be considered illegal in the Golden State.

S.B. 107 would put California in direct opposition to Republican-led states like TexasIdaho, and Alabama, which have moved to protect children from destructive and irreversible transgender surgeries and hormonal interventions.

The California bill was introduced by San Francisco Democrat Sen. Scott Wiener, an openly homosexual lawmaker who previously introduced a bill (S.B. 145) allowing judges to exempt individuals who engage in homosexual sex acts with minors from the state sex offender registry if they’re no more than 10 years older than a minor aged 14 and up. The bill has since been signed into law.

Sen. Wiener, who also recently suggested that “drag queen” shows should be made mandatory for California schoolchildren, had tweeted out a summary of S.B. 107 in a lengthy Twitter thread in March.

On Thursday, he announced that he had co-presented the bill with Assemblymember Lori Wilson, characterizing the legislation as a “state of refuge bill” to “protect” “trans kids.”

National Review noted that if S.B. 107 is passed into law, “California will become a transgender sanctuary state, with a law that encourages transgender children to be brought to California to escape court rulings and laws of other jurisdictions when they go against transgender ideology.”

While California’s legislative proposal would formalize a statewide adoption of transgender ideology in opposition to states and parents who hold a traditional view of human sexuality, its provisions and intended effects are not new.

Even before the introduction of the senate bill, parents who object to the “transitioning” of their children have been faced with a hostile court system which sides with the spouse who adheres to transgender ideology.

In 2019, 56-year-old Apple software engineer Ted Hudacko of Richmond, California, fought and lost a bitter legal battle after his wife announced that she wanted a divorce and that their 17-year-old son wanted to become a girl.

LifeSiteNews previously reported that when the matter went to court, the judge (whose own child had “transitioned” to look more like the opposite gender the previous year) sided with the mother, denying Hudacko custody rights over his son.

Though Hudacko has only been permitted to see his son during supervised visits, he has been forced to pay his medical bills as he undergoes medical “transitioning” to look more like a girl.

​​“There’s a lot of unknowns … it’s the permanent changes and lifelong medicalization,” Hudacko said. “Based on the experts I have consulted, he has already been pretty damaged.”

“There are a lots of families going through this,” Hudacko added. “It is a special form of torment for them all.”

Meanwhile, the issue isn’t isolated to deep-blue states like California.

Last year, a Texas judge granted full custody of eight-year-old James Younger to his mother, who refers to James as “Luna” and wants to subject him to “gender transitioning” to identify as a girl.

Likewise in 2018, parents in Ohio lost custody of their teenage daughter because a judge ruled that she should be allowed to receive hormones to identify as a boy.